A national association of innovative & entrepreneurial
behavioral healthcare organizations
focused on the development of C-suite executives.

2021 Winter Conference & Annual Meeting - Clearwater Beach, FL

 Registration is closed for this event

Join us in Clearwater Beach, FL!

Join us for another exciting mhca conference in sunny & warm Clearwater Beach, Florida!


WHERE:   Opal Sands Resort
430 South Gulfview Blvd
Clearwater Beach, Florida  33767
CONTACT:   Gena Matthews

 IMPORTANT NOTICE:    Hybrid / Virtual Conference  
Due to COVID-19 and the probability that many Members won't be able to join us at the Conference venue, some sessions will be available virtually via livestream. These sessions are denoted by the green icon at the right in the Conference Agenda>>>>>>>>
Connection information will be made available to registrants at a later date.
When registering for the Conference, please mark either "Attending In-Person" or "Attending Virtually".

In-Person Participants
will be required to sign and turn in a Waiver and Screening Form at the conference Registration Desk prior to picking up their packets, accessible at these links:

In-Person Participants will also be required to:

  • Comply with all applicable state and local COVID pandemic ordinances regardless of personal vaccination status.
  • Wear masks.
  • Socially distance.
  • Submit to daily temperature checks before admisssion to morning sessions. Must be below 100.4 F.
  • If becoming ill on-site, immediately notify mhca Staff.


HOTEL RESERVATIONS:  You must make hotel reservations separately.


Hotel Reservation Deadline:
February 5, 2021

$304 Sgl/Dbl + taxes

(855) 335-1087
(727) 450-0380

Reservations can be made for the Opal Sands or Sandpearl. All reservations should be made by February 5, 2021. To receive the group rate when calling, please identify yourself with the mhca Winter Conference & Annual Meeting 2021. All reservations should be guaranteed with a first night’s room deposit plus tax by credit card.

  PRIMARY - Opal Sands Resort

MHCA Room Block-Opal Sands

mhca Group/Clock Code: MHCA022021
Opal Sands Reservations at 1-855-335-1087

Deluxe Gulf Front King or Queen Rooms are available at the Opal Sands at the mhca Group room rate: $304 plus state/local taxes (13%). The resort fee has been waived. Dates available for the group room rate are arrival February 21, 2021 and departure February 26, 2021. A limited amount of rooms at the group rate are available for arrivals on February 20, 2021 and departures on February 27, 2021.


  SECONDARY - Sandpearl Resort

MHCA Room Block-Sandpearl

mhca Group/Block Code: MHCA022021  
Sandpearl Reservations at 1-866-384-2995

A limited amount of bayside rooms are available at the Sandpearl Resort at the mhca group room rate: $304 plus state/local taxes (13%). The resort fee has been waived. The same dates are available at the Sandpearl for arrivals and departure. A shuttle will be available between the two properties.



If you try to make Hotel Reservations and are told that our block is full and need assistance getting into the hotel, or if you have any problems with the hotel's reservations website, please send an email to Gena Matthews at gmatthews@mhca.com?Subject=Hotel Assistance - 2021 Clearwater Beach.


If you need to cancel a room reservation, please send an email to Gena at gmatthews@mhca.com?Subject=Room Cancellation - 2021 Clearwater Beach rather than cancelling the room yourself with the hotel. The hotel will return all Cancelled rooms to their General Sales block, not to mhca's room block, thus these rooms will be unavailable to other mhca members trying to make reservations.  By letting Gena know about the cancellation, she can work with the hotel to make sure your cancelled room(s) are in our block and available to other members.

Note: Cancellations must be made 9 days prior to arrival to avoid one night room and tax.

February 23, 2021 to February 25, 2021
430 S Gulfview Blvd
Opal Sands Resort
Clearwater Beach, FL 33767
Phone: 850-942-4900
Phone: 866-384-2995
Available Sessions
a. Attending In-Person
b. Attending Virtually
c. Certificate of Attendance
d. TUE 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM - LEADERSHIP INCUBATOR: Leadership Is Not For Cowards! (VIRTUAL)
e. TUE 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM - Welcome Reception
f. WED 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM - GENERAL SESSION: Welcome & Annual Meeting
g. WED 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM - GENERAL SESSION: Planning For The Next Normal (VIRTUAL)
h. WED 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM - BREAKOUT SESSION: Innovation In Psychiatry
i. WED 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM - BREAKOUT SESSION: What You Do Is Who You Are - How Organizational Processes Define Your Culture
j. WED 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM - BREAKOUT SESSION: How to Use Marketing to Pivot, Transform and Innovate
k. WED 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM - BREAKOUT SESSION: The Future of Care – What You Should Be Thinking About Now
l. WED 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM - Reception
m. THU 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM - GENERAL SESSION: Compassionomics (VIRTUAL)
n. THU 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM - GENERAL SESSION: Attention Pays: Drive Profitability, Productivity and Accountability (VIRTUAL)
o. THU 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM - Innovation Expo (VIRTUAL)
p. THU 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM - Connect With Your Peers
q. THU 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM - Closing Reception

About Us

mhca is a results-oriented organization that operates in a fast, flexible, and focused mode. We take pride in the purposeful and productive involvement and participation of our members. Because mhca is composed of members who share common visions and priorities, we are able to quickly determine our objectives, commit the necessary resources, and accomplish our goals.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 12037
Tallahassee, FL  32317
TEL:  (850) 942-4900